Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society
Philoptochos Prayer
O Lord Jesus Christ, we bow our heads before You, and with humble hearts we give thanks to You for the abundant blessings, which You have poured forth upon us. We praise You for gathering us together as members of the Ladies Philoptochos Society in the service to Your Holy Church. We bless You for the selfless sacrifice of countless generations of women who have faithfully fulfilled the philanthropic mission entrusted to them. Through Your ineffable wisdom and Your Divine power, You have enabled us to minister to those who are in need of Your love, Your comfort, and Your care. Make us instruments of Your peace and of Your hope, O Lord. Where there is pain and suffering, may we bring Your healing and comfort. Where there is loneliness and isolation, may we bring the fellowship of Your Holy Church. Where there is despair and discouragement, may we inspire hope and faith in You. Where there is hatred and strife, may we be peacemakers producing the fruits of love and reconciliation.
We also ask You, O Lord, to guide our deliberations, our decisions, our fellowship, and all our labors, so that in all we do, or say, we may bring glory to Your Holy Name, of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
“Philoptochos” literally means “friends of the poor,” and this willingness to “open our hands wide” to those in need has characterized our ministry since 1931, when Philoptochos was established in the Archdiocese. Since then, this women’s philanthropic organization has raised millions, nationwide, for those who are hungry, forgotten, displaced, abused, suffering illness or simply needing encouragement. Our ministry is also hands-on and face-to-face, offering members opportunities to express the love, compassion and hope of the Gospel through interactions with those we serve. Within our Weston St. Christine Chapter, founded in 1959, we strive to be good stewards of our parish, supporting our home-bound parishioners, reaching out to our seniors, awarding scholarships to our youth, hosting parish events and so much more. On a Metropolis level (greater Boston area), we are heavily involved in efforts like the Children’s Hospital, the Pine Street Inn, Rosie’s Place, Project Bread and the growth of our Metropolis camp in Contoocook, NH. We also support the many programs and ministries of the National Philoptochos—all of which touch so many lives within our Church and well beyond.
Within our sisterhood, you will find not only meaningful efforts like those mentioned above but also meaningful friendships. When we serve others together, a profound bond is formed. When we all make the decision to care for others, together, we grow in Christ.
The faithful, kind and engaging women of Philoptochos are ready to welcome you to our 2023-2024 program. We hope you will peruse our mission statement, learn more and contact us soon!
Letters of Thanks
Sampling of acknowledgments of gratitude from charities we have aided in the past.
President - Kathy Damaskos
Vice-President - Suzanne Polymeros
Treasurer - Susan Denn
Recording Secretary - Anastasia McVey
Corresponding Secretary - Stacy Katsikaris
Membership/Assistant Treasurer - Olga Calivas
Advisor - Matina Pappas
Board Members
Jennifer Brody
Danae Ann Foley
Taslene Gatzunis
Athena Bolouris-Grover
Kathy Hamilton
Maria Handrinos
Presvytera Elaine Krommydas
Artemis Martakis
Helene Rontiris
Nancy Agris Savage
Hellenic Nursing Home - Pamela Brody
Care Ministry -Nikki Stournaras
Senior Guild - Artemis Martakis
Scholarship - Nancy Agris Savage
Spiritual Renewal - Presvytera Elaine Krommydas
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Bessie Condakes/Matina Pappas
Philanthropy - Jennifer Ramsdell
Contact Philoptochos
For questions, concerns, comments, or more information please fill out the contact form and a member of Philoptochos will reach out as soon as possible.